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SKU: 998

Natural Taurus Mountain Propolis (7%) 20ml (Net)

€749,50 / l
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Product ingredients

Ingredients: Produced with olive oil and pure propolis (7%). It is non-alcoholic.

Allergen Warning : Bee products may cause an allergic reaction in some people with a high risk of allergies.

Toros Mountain pollen is 100% natural. It contains only natural olive oil and propolis.

You can safely feed it to all your loved ones.

What is propolis?

Propolis is a completely natural bee product with very strong antioxidant and antimicrobial effects that bees collect from the leaves, stems and buds of plants. It is used by bees to destroy microbes in the hive and to sterilize the hive. The bee first covers the honeycomb eyes with propolis, then the queen lays her eggs in the comb. In this way, the healthy development of the egg is ensured. In addition, bees put honey, pollen and royal jelly in the honeycomb eyes plastered with propolis. Thus, the products of the bee are kept intact in the hive.

What are the benefits of propolis?

It is a powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial. It prevents the development of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, fungi and viruses.

It helps to meet the daily antioxidant needs.

It contains 80 times more antioxidant substances than pomegranate.

It helps to strengthen the immune system and protect against diseases.

It has been scientifically proven to have positive effects against respiratory system disorders (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis), seasonal allergies, oral aphthae, herpes, gastrointestinal diseases and cancer.

Propolis is a product that can be easily used by both adults and children. It helps to reduce the frequency of illness and to recover faster in case of illness.

While it ensures the destruction of cancer cells, it does not harm healthy tissue.

It increases the number of living and healthy cells in the body. With its detox effect, it removes toxins and substances that damage cells in the body. It makes the body healthier and fitter.

Are there scientific studies on propolis? Does propolis have any side effects?

There are thousands of scientific studies and evidence about propolis. Propolis is not a new product. It is a product that has been used in complementary medicine for thousands of years in almost every country in the world, has been researched, thousands of positive results have been published and is especially recommended for children by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Propolis has no side effects. It does not accumulate in the body. Within 12 hours after consuming propolis, it binds toxins and cell wastes in the body and is excreted from the body. In other words, it cleans the body. As it removes toxins and substances that harm cells from the body, it makes the body healthier and fitter over time.

Keep away from sunlight.

Store between 18-24 degrees

The expiry date and serial number are on the cover.

Made in Turkey.

No liability is accepted for the above information. Please check the information on the relevant product packaging in any case, they are only binding. Product design may differ from the picture.

Description Natural Taurus Mountain Propolis collects propolis of plant origin as a natural product. Propolis is a substance collected by bees and used to protect the beehive, and it has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. This product contains 7% propolis and is presented in 20ml net volume. The use of propolis is generally recommended in cases such as cold, cough, sore throat, gum problems and skin treatment. This product contains naturally harvested and processed propolis, thus offering a higher quality. After using this product, you will benefit from the beneficial properties of propolis and lead a healthy life.

Storage Conditions Natural Taurus Mountain Propolis collects propolis of plant origin as a natural product. Propolis is a substance collected by bees and used to protect the beehive, and it has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. This product contains 7% propolis and is presented in 20ml net volume. The use of propolis is generally recommended in cases such as cold, cough, sore throat, gum problems and skin treatment. This product contains naturally harvested and processed propolis, thus offering a higher quality. After using this product, you will benefit from the beneficial properties of propolis and lead a healthy life.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Nilay Özgür
Gürcan Kara'nın Ürünü: Kaliteli ve Bağışıklık Sistemine Yararlı.

Ürün, Gürcan Kara tarafından üretilmiş ve iyi kaliteye sahip olduğu söyleniyor. Sonuç olarak, doğal bitkisel özleri sayesinde bağışıklık sistemine yararlı olması bekleniyor. Müşteriler, bu ürünün kesinlikle tavsiye edilebilecek kaliteye sahip olduğunu düşünüyor.

Gürcan Kara tarafından üretilen ürün, iyi kaliteye sahip ve doğal bitkisel özleri sayesinde bağışıklık sistemine faydalı. Müşteriler tarafından tavsiye edilmektedir.

Konrad Müller
Empfehlung für Gürcan Kara's Doğal Toros Dağı Propolis (%7) 20ml (Net): Sehr gut!

Sehr gutes Produkt! Ich habe Doğal Toros Dağı Propolis (%7) 20ml (Net) von Gürcan Kara ausprobiert und war begeistert. Die Wirkung ist sofort spürbar und die Qualität ist sehr gut. Es ist ein sehr empfehlenswertes Produkt.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Lob! Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, Ihnen ein Produkt von höchster Qualität zu liefern. Wir hoffen, Sie bleiben uns auch in Zukunft treu.

Ender Özcan
Gürcan Kara'nın Doğal Toros Propolis (%7) 20ml (Net): Tavsiye Edilen Bir Seçenek.

Gürcan Kara'nın Doğal Toros Dağı Propolis (%7) 20ml (Net) ürünü harika bir seçenek. Kalitesi, kullanımı ve sizin için uygun fiyatı ile tavsiye edilir.

Tavsiye edilir. Kaliteli, kullanışlı ve uygun fiyatlı.

Ayşe Akdeniz
Gürcan Kara markasının Mükemmel Propolis Ürünü: Temizlik ve Bakım için Etkili Sonuçlar.

Mükemmel bir ürün. Doğal Toros Dağı Propolis (%7) 20ml (Net) Gürcan Kara markasının ürünü, temizlik ve bakım için kullanılabilir. Çok faydalı ve etkili sonuçlar veriyor. Bir kez deneyin ve değerinin farkını göreceksiniz.

Çok teşekkürler! Gürcan Kara markasının ürünü Propolis (%7) 20ml (Net) doğal Toros Dağı, bakım ve temizlik için etkili ve faydalı sonuçlar sağlıyor. Sizden tavsiyemiz, ürünü denemek ve kendiniz değerini görmek.

Ayşe Çelik
Gürcan Kara Doğal Toros Dağı Propolis: Cildimde Sıkılık ve Kuruluk Giderildi.

Gürcan Kara Doğal Toros Dağı Propolis (%7) 20ml (Net) ürünü kullandım ve cildimdeki kuruluğu hafifletmiş, cilt tonunu düzeltmiş ve cildime sıkılık hissi vermiştir.

Tebrikler! Bu ürün ile cildiniz için faydalı olduğundan memnun olduğumuzu ifade etmek isteriz.
